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Need help?

The Big Fix only services cats in Kerr County. We do no relocate or treat wounded animals.  Our only purpose it to spay/neuter and vaccinate cats for rabies. This is done by TNR.

​Trap, Neuter & Return (TNR)  

  • Caretakers of feral cats contact The Big fix through email
  •  Counselors gather information and assign trapping jobs.
  • Trapping team or caretakers will then trap one day before surgery date.
  • On schedule surgery day, trapper or caretaker will take cat(s) to vet to have them spayed or neutered, ear-tipped, given a rabies shot.
  • The next day cats are returned to colony location.

​​Want to help?

If you would like to help Big Fix in its mission to reduce the number of feral or homeless cats in our community, you can donate or volunteer.


We are in URGENT NEED of trappers. We will train and supply with traps. Must have an SUV or truck to transport cats.


Send us a message if interested in volunteering or join us the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm at Riverside Nature Center.

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